For years, "conservative" media outlets like PragerU have been creating anti-Southern videos aimed at persuading the average American that
1) the "Civil War" was all about slavery.
2) Southern monuments should be removed.
3) Southerners who fought in the War were traitors.
4) Reconstruction was a noble endeavor that did not go far enough to recreate the United States.
5) Secession was illegal and treason.
6) The South is the root of all evil in the United States.
You know none of this is true, and you get disgusted every time you flip on your computer and log in to your social media account or you email server and see something like this.
You are not alone. We think the same which is why we are pleased to show you our latest project at the Abbeville Institute.
To push back against this establishment drivel, the Institute has started the process of creating anti-PragerU content, five to six minute videos designed to bring the Southern tradition to the masses.
Most Americans who consume online videos watch less then ten minutes before turning them off.
We want to hit you with what's true and valuable in the Southern tradition in less time than it takes to reheat your favorite dish in the micowave.
Phil Leigh has provided the content for our first video: The Real Reason for Confederate Monuments. Just click the image below to watch or click here.
This is just the start of something bigger. These videos are expensive and in order to improve them we need your financial assistance. The more funding we have, the more people we can reach and the better content we can produce.
Every dollar you send to help us make these videos is a dollar against the anti-Southern establishment, both left and right.
And it's tax deductible to the full extent of the law.
Our next video in production is by Brion McClanahan and focuses Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. It isn't kind to Honest Abe.
Help us make that video and more like it a reality by passing a few dollars our way.
It is essential for the future of the Southern tradition.
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